
Will A Push For Nuclear Increase Energy Bills?

Will A Push For Nuclear Increase Energy Bills?

The current government efforts to build new nuclear power plants across the UK could potentially add to energy costs for consumers, according to ministers. A new reactor could likely add at most a few pounds a year to typical household energy bills during the early stages of construction. However, it is claimed that households will […]

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Warm Home Discount Expanded to Help Struggling Scots

Warm Home Discount Expanded to Help Struggling Scots

The Warm Home Discount scheme is potentially being expanded to help an approximate 280,000 households across Scotland with their energy bills. A consultation was launched this week on the proposed expansion of the scheme to cover an additional 50,000 Scottish homes per year.  On Monday the 9th of May the government began the consultation on

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Germany to UK Interconnector

Germany to UK Interconnector

A major interconnector project linking Germany and the U.K has had key contracts totalling £1.5 billion have been awarded this week. As countries continue in attempts to shore up their energy supplies amid the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.   Dubbed as the ‘NeuConnect’ project, the interconnector is centred around subsea cables that will enable 1.4 gigawatts

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Jak uzyskać odszkodowanie za utratę dostawy energii w wyniku cyklona Arwen?

Cyklon Arwen: czy możesz ubiegać się o odszkodowanie? Jeśli zostałeś bez prądu z powodu cyklona Arwen, możesz mieć prawo do odszkodowania. W całej Wielkiej Brytanii miasta i miasteczka spotkały się z wiatrem o prędkości dochodzącej do 100 mil na godzinę i temperaturach poniżej -10 stopni Celsjusza. Większość domów miała szczęście mieć prąd podczas gdy na

Jak uzyskać odszkodowanie za utratę dostawy energii w wyniku cyklona Arwen? Read More »